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  • Massage and music therapies may reduce post-surgical pain

    9046389 l 300x229 Massage and music therapies may reduce post surgical painA Mayo Clinic study found that the patients who received massages following surgery had an average pain score of less than one, while those who did not receive a massage had an average pain score of three.

    Another study cited in the article, by the Department of Veterans Affairs, studied more than 600 veterans who had undergone major surgery and found that those who received massage therapy following surgery experienced a faster decrease in pain intensity and reduced anxiety in the first four days after surgery than did those who did not receive massage therapy.Mayo Clinic studies also found positive effects on patient recovery from surgery from both ambient music and the use of guided imagery, and a study by the Touch Research Institute in Miami found that 10 minutes of hand massage and music reduced agitation in a group of elderly patients.

    Massage and music therapies may not eliminate the need for prescription pain medication entirely, but it may result in lower doses or medication used for a shorter duration of time.The article cited that the American Music Therapy Association’s studies on pain management and anxiety shown that the use of music can lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and relax muscle tension both before and after surgery

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    Published on December 28, 2011 · Filed under: Health, Massage Therapy;
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